Quereers is a social media app and the purpose is to answer questions

  1. Ask Questions - All participants can ask questions on Quereers. You do not need to create a profile to ask a question on Quereers but there’s no assurance that your questions will be answered. Because your questions are unlikely to add to the deposited sum on the platform and users will be answering them purely out of goodwill and while knowing it’s for no reward.
  2. Answer Questions - All participants can answer a question on Quereers. You do not need to have a profile to answer questions but that also means that only users with a profile can answer questions.
  3. Registered Users - User registration is done using Subsocial profiles, which is an extra layer over a Space. To register on Subsocial, you need to deposit a sum of SUB tokens into the platform. This shows your dedication and gives you full access to the network.
  4. Spaces - There are different spaces where users can engage in conversations ranging from different topics.
  5. Consensus - Users can initiate a conversation on different types of Questions or answers to validate that they are acceptable withing the community. This will be implemented as part of the roadmap.
  6. Reputation Ranking - Registered profiles on Quereers have the opportunity to participate in the social reputation ranking. This is carried out on a scheduled basis that is determined by the community. The aim is to determine who are the most active users, the most helpful participants, and reward them with SUB tokens.